Friday, September 8, 2017

Sorry, Wrong Sarah

For as long as I can remember, people have confused me with someone else. For most of my school years I was called older sister's name. And I got tired of correcting people (plus I was soooo shy), so I'd just answer to Elizabeth.

As I grew, people would tell me I looked familiar but could never quite place it. I took a job after college and a new colleague commented she knew a lot of people with my first and last name. I nodded awkwardly.

It was around this time when gmail first came out. Back then you had to be invited by another user in order to make your own account. I received an invitation and created, what I thought, was a clever username.

That's when it started happening. Since I created this email account, many years ago, I've received hundreds of emails intended for another Sarah. There's a hair bow maker out west. A charitable mom in Texas. A yogi, a lonely woman, a youth group member and so many more. In the states and other countries. I get family photos, potluck reminders, e-receipts and anything else you can think of.

So, after years of saying I'm going to write about this, I am finally writing about this.

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